Schedule | Digital Methods and Cultures

The Digital Methods and Cultures seminar will be held on Saturday, 6 February 2016, in 19 George Square.

0900 - 0930Welcome with tea & coffee
0930 - 1100Introductory lecture
• Comprehensive overview of digital techniques
• Practical examples and case studies
• Theoretical perspectives on new technologies
1100 - 1130Coffee break
1130 - 1300Key concepts and texts
Participant group presentations on:
• Theories of human-technology interactions: Digital Interfaces in the New Millenium
• Notions of “reading”: implications of digital methods for analysis of culture
1300 - 1400Lunch
1400 - 1500Practical examples of Digital Cultures and Methods projects
• Digital Cultures: using digital theory for analysis
• Digital Methods: using digital tools for literary analysis
1500 - 1530Coffee break
1530 - 1700Practices and applications
• Individual participant presentations on proposed or current research
1700 - 1730Summary discussion and feedback