The organisers are privileged to have worked with a diverse range of people within and outwith the LLC, each bringing their own unique and invaluable insight to the project. We wish to thank Dr Laura Bradley, Dr Adam Budd, Dr Lee Spinks, and Dr Amy Burge for their support for the project since its inception, and their helpful comments and suggestions on our initial ideas. Thank you also to various other department members for their ongoing generosity: many have made themselves available to chat with our tutors on the development of their seminars, as well as shared their comprehensive knowledge and experience to help build resource materials for our online repository. The project, as such, has truly emerged from a collaborative dialogue between staff members and postgraduate students.
Several members of the postgraduate community in the LLC attended our focus groups in the summer of 2015 to help us ascertain interest in the project, and decide on the broad theoretical areas of each seminar. We would like to acknowledge their expressions of support and perceptive reflections on the existing provision of research methods training within the LLC.
We would also like to express our gratitude to LLC Resources Manager Julie Robertson for expertly handling all our financial queries and her advice on our proposal budget. Sarah Harvey in the LLC Graduate School Office has patiently fielded our emails on other administrative tasks. Euan Cameron, Lewis Carver, and especially Marcin Fraszczak at the HSS Web Team have helped us to build and maintain this website and its resources.
Finally, the organisers gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Principal’s Teaching Award Scheme (PTAS). PTAS is funded by the University of Edinburgh’s Development Trust and administered by the Institute for Academic Development (IAD).